Tomatoes. They’re juicy, good for you, and taste great on pizza. They’re also an effective weapon for taking out drones, as evidenced by a recent incident in Kyiv, in which a resident used a jar of tomatoes to down one of the flying objects.
And we can’t really blame her. Having a drone buzzing around you is annoying in the best of times—but downright threatening in the middle of an armed conflict. Who knows who could be piloting that drone circling above your yard. It might be a government agency, a utilities company, or a pesky peeping neighbor.
Is hurling hard objects the answer in most scenarios? Well, not really. It might make you liable to pay compensation to the owner of the drone you’ve damaged. You might even be arrested. And while places like airports have special technology to shield them from drones, the technology is not available for personal use.
So, are there other, legal methods you can use to stop or evade drone surveillance? After all, there are 1.7 million of them in the U.S. alone. Below, we’ll take a look at methods you can use right now to protect your privacy from drones.
Read more: Go incognito: Avoid surveillance in real life
What are drones used for?
Apart from military applications, drone technology is used by numerous legitimate industries, as well as hobbyists—but they’ve also been used with malicious intent. Whatever their use, there is always a risk that a drone will capture footage of you. Here are just a few ways commercial drones are used:
- Entertainment. Sweeping drone shots are now commonplace in movies, but aerial shots once required actual planes or enormous cranes to achieve. Sports footage is also frequently captured by drone.
- Agriculture. Drones help farmers inspect crops and measure them for optimal production.
- Monitoring unsafe zones. Drones can easily enter disaster areas or otherwise unsafe places to take air and water readings or observe evolving situations, as with wildfires.
- Law enforcement. Police agencies use drones for search and rescue, surveillance, crowd monitoring, and more.
- Deliveries. Drone deliveries are being used in some places.
- Hobbyist and professional photography and videography. Drones might be annoying, but let’s face it, they’re also fun and create great photos.
How drone use can be used maliciously:
- Interfering with airport operations.
- Stalking.
- A drone can be hijacked and used to hack systems.
1. Use your surroundings to take cover
This is the simplest—and cheapest—way to evade drone surveillance. If you suspect a drone’s taking an uninvited peek at you, use the world around you to create obstacles between yourself and the drone.
Trees are a great option. Their thick canopy of leaves can prevent a drone’s camera from spying on you, while also providing a tricky obstacle course for drones to navigate if they try to take a closer look. Plus, with trees you can stay outside rather than sheltering inside like with some of our other examples.
Head inside tunnels or buildings. Being inside one of these two will pretty much shield you from any commercial drones. Of course, this means you’ll be stuck inside, but you’ll avoid drone surveillance.
You can also use the weather to your advantage. Commercial drones like those your neighbors might use aren’t designed to work in bad weather. Rain, fog, and high winds can easily down a drone. This, however, isn’t a very practical method, as you’re at the mercy of the weather.
2. Confuse a drone with an anti-surveillance jacket
Some anti-surveillance advocates and fashion designers have created clothing that could thwart drone surveillance.
There are jackets constructed with multiple layers of fabric containing metal and act as a wearable faraday cage, blocking incoming and outgoing signals. This has the added benefit of preventing outside sources from connecting to your phone or other personal device. This does mean that they’re effectively disconnected, unable to receive any form of data.
Some jackets made of metallic fabric are designed to lower your heat signature so drones are less likely to pick up on your presence if they rely on body heat.
3. Avoid facial recognition with a disguise
Some drones use facial recognition to search for people, so the challenge becomes to evade facial recognition as much as drones. There are a variety of solutions to hide from facial-recognition technology, including obscuring your face with a mask, hat, glasses, even face paint. Machine-readable fabrics also aim to hide wearers from facial recognition software by having patterns that computers interpret as human faces, confusing them and overwhelming the facial recognition algorithms.
Now, a disguise won’t be able to stop the drone from surveilling you or your property. However, it should keep your face concealed, preventing drone pilots from knowing exactly who you are.
Read more: In a possible first, facial recognition has led to a wrongful arrest
4. Don’t forget your umbrella
You can also block a drone’s ability to see who you are by using an umbrella. A normal umbrella is enough. They’re cheap, easy to carry and conceal, and are tough to see around. Just pop it open and hunker down underneath. And if you have some skill with electronics, you can create a high-tech version complete with LEDs on top to confuse a drone’s object tracking algorithm.
Illegal ways to disable drones: Don’t try these!
There are a few other ways to combat drone surveillance—mostly by disabling them. However, these methods are illegal, and may only be used by law enforcement agencies, militaries, airports, and certain security-related businesses. Drones are classed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as Unmanned Aircraft (UAs) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This protects them in the eyes of the law from being shot at, interfered with physically, or having the signal between drone and operator tampered with in any way. ExpressVPN does not endorse any of the following methods of disabling drones.
- Lasers: The digital cameras you find on drones use light sensors to take in visual information. It’s possible to blind these sensors by exposing them to too much light—such as a laser pointer—disabling the drone’s camera and preventing it from watching and recording you. However, it’s illegal to shine lasers into the air, as there’s a risk it could blind pilots.
- Anti-drone jammers: Radar jammers are illegal in all 50 states, as they interfere with the signals law enforcement use to target speeding vehicles, and can even cause issues for airplanes. The Anti-UAV Defense System (AUDS) is a large, military-level jammer that uses a high-powered radio signal to jam drones. Handheld systems also exist, like DroneDefender. It’s an anti-drone rifle that works similarly to the AUDS with a range of 1,300 feet.
- Firearms: In order to use a gun to take down a drone, the firearm needs to be pointed at the sky. This is extremely dangerous and highly illegal in almost every country, including the 50 U.S. states. You could face charges of reckless endangerment or be prosecuted under laws to do with the discharge of firearms.
- Hacking: Like any computerized device, drones are vulnerable to getting hacked. Hacking a drone is similar to hacking a computer, and it can be done from up to a mile away. A common method is to intercept the radio signal a drone uses to communicate with its operator. This signal is often unencrypted, making it an easy vulnerability for hackers to exploit. As in other cases, hacking a drone is a criminal act.

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I don’t understand either because I am falling around all the time they fly patterns I’ve seen three or four of them over my head at one time it’s really bull crap that the government is able to do this and they got some really professional drones that the taxpayers pay for And then they follow those taxpayers I don’t get it !!
It’s been over 1 yrs now. I have two drones following me and watching me in everything I do or go. I’m being watched when I’m in the shower in/out. If I’m needing the restroom on the toilet. I know this for a fact cuz this person is a male. Everytime he has visual contact on me. He whistles softly, some what like a bird or a whistle that men do when they see an attractive person. He is a pervert, a sick pervert. I know who he is and where he lives. He has his mother and father and sister and brother involved with his perverted issues. This dumb fuck is trying to ruin my life. There is around 10 to 12 people in vehicles that follow me everywhere I go. I have tested them and they actually wait for me to leave my house at 2 or 3 AM, and I have left my house to see what would happen. I’m serious, I had 4 vehicles follow me. I have approached the brother, sister and mother about to go is issue at a park here in Phoenix, AZ. They acted like I was being delusional. So I started yelling out loud of all the stupid things they do to me, just to embarrass them. Nope, it didn’t work. I still am going thru this bullshit. I’m really fed up with all this. I have prayed and prayed to God to help me. “PLEASE GOD, IF YOU HEAR ME, PLEASE HELP ME AND DESTROY THESE PERVERTED Trolls. Help me to focus again on my life. Please God!!”. I also mentioned or prayed to God that I would breakdown and start with drugs again and Deny him as a God if he will not help me. Nope, I don’t see any clearance if these perverted people. So, now I say that God does not Love me or care for me. He didn’t do anything for me. I fell off the wagon and I’m back on meth and drinking. Why should I continue to be holy if God will not help me. If I’m going be killed. I wish it would be done already. Why be sober and be depressed about this situation. I would rather deal and not notice these creeps when I’m high. I’m more calm. So, this is my plan. I want to set their house and vehicles on fire
Im sick of these people. I have talked to the police and they say I need proof. In no way will that happen. I’m to slow. I really wish someone would help me to prevent my plan.
OMG I’m so glad I’m not going mad, I sympathise all who are and have endured this drone disease of society. They are operated by humans at the end and their systems look on us as primary targets. Why and who authorises this level of invasive life altering surveillance is normally law enforcement contractors. Our dishonourable law enforcement all over the world make an assumption of guilty until proven innocent. It’s a morally degenerative way our societies are going. I’m in Australia and after 4 months of 24/7 surveillance are ready to check out.
If you take a closer look at your daily activity surroundings you’ll mote than likely see things like vehicle’s repeatedly driving past you, again and again. Individuals whilst walking in your local area that arent right and make your skin crawl. All t g e best to all that encounter this sickness of drone voyeuristic perverted intimidating surveillance I’m over it and can’t deal with any more.
I’m being watched for months now at first I thought it was the Northstar but now I no it’s not. This light comes and gos at set times much bigger than a star it there when I go stay over at my daughter’s. One night I saw it turn off it’s light I thought it was gone but the it was just three again I’m getting more and more afrsde. April pleasance
We think drones are an invasion of our privacy and against our constitutional rights.
Drones have been following people at night for years in south east pa. When the leave bars , work or to store , anytime after dark , I found it good to put out those laser light decorations pointing a little high just to get a little satisfaction from poking a unwanted eye from constantly watching you
How long will law enforcement run those drones at night …and they do follow you everywhere you go .. I live in the 5 state area in the Midwest and those fucking things have beed since dec of 2019 following me all over the Midwest several states away and back several times stays as long as you stay and idk if they go during day but every single night they are where I am… no matter where I am or what I’m doing…And they can’t just stay up for ever ….don’t they have to change the battery or the things.. something to refresh the power on them …. I don’t have a clue who it is or how they find me …but no matter what if I don’t take no phone communication with any l and then there they are I don’t have s clue how they could find me …..sometimes I’m out in the middle of no where cast for big walleyes at night places inside of a 225 sq miles and know most of it like the back of my hand … Some better than the owners know it …… who could have that authority to chase me all over 5 states ..and for 3 years or longer and wtf I’m nothing I’m not a thief nor a criminal and
I have drones following me every where I go.. using some kind of wave of
Ears start ringing..I don’t know what to do
As a representative from an alien surveillance team I apologize for the annoyance but you are the perfect human specimen and we need al the info we can get. All hail Zolar!!
Hey bro they have been following me to everywhere I go it’s scary you should get a hold of me
Hey Get a hold of me I got to take these illegal things down or get them caught gor violating my federal rights. Justice Williams Facebook blond cartoon or earth angels ministries. God bless
Me too. I need help. Its anoying please contact me so we can do ssomething about it im so tired. And I know who’s following
Me but I just cant catch her
It’s real! I live in the bay area and have had a drone following me at night for more than a six month period followed by six months without surveillance then more night surveillance. The drone, though it use to be a pair, can geo locate on me local within the immediate bay area. The geo location on my position is an issue! Means they have my biometrics well enough to track. I know I am being tracked but the real feel is to bring about some sort of psychic disruption thereby causing some physical and public outburst. In my case the drone is there for harassment. It’s there night after night! When I travel any arrannd at night, there it is! Amazing! I’ve reached out to law enforcement, state’s top cop, drone governing bodies but it’s like a veil of white noise. It’s like the observer has witnessed a ufo. Guys, before “They” had the biometrics on me the would harrass in me in cars. The harassment appears to approximate it’s actions from a hybrid cal trans, law enforcement, and civilian force. A secret force with its sole goal being to discredit the subject personally in public. There are groups out here such as I have described. I am experiencing this right now. About me, I’ve worked hard most of my life, seen myself though college; professional degree, no crime, full time employed, honored my parents. No man should ever be able to know your patterns, ways, behavior when they have not stated a case for such an action. Did get some good tips here today…thanks!
You must lead a very interesting life. Not only having a professional career but also being out all night, you can’t be followed when you sleep,what the hell do you do? Besides complaining.
I have had this going on for almost three years. I have contacted the law so many times. I d like to chat w you on this matter
I don’t like the way that my privacy is being shot to hell with all these things in the night sky every were u look there right therr an I do t like t h em being in the sky above my property there should be a law against it
It just kills me…. All the Pacifists and Far Leftys scream ‘Disinformation!!’ at the drop of a hat to anything conservatives utter but they don’t say a word when it works in their favor! Since when is it a crime to point a gun at the sky in all 50 states?!?! Maybe in the STATE of ‘La La Lefty Land’?? Or maybe in the STATE of mind required to make such a idiotic declaration??? People who are against guns know absolutely nothing about them or the laws that govern them!!!
I agree. Shoot the bastards down
Solo me lo está pidiendo la app tal ves sea bueno para lo que me lo pide
I will immediately shoot any drones I see over my property – No EXCEPTIONS!
Fuck the law; arrest me – I’m not paying any fines or lawyers fees – I’ll plead guilty and spend a few months in jail on the governments dime.
If a Peeping Tom is peeking in my window at midnight the police will arrest them.
Similarly, if a drone is surveilling me or my family on private property: that is an act or use of a device or instrument to assist in the observation of a person with the express intent to invade the privacy of that person. That may be viewed by the courts to be in violation of Penal Code 647(j).
The only way you gonna get arrested is maybe if you live in Cali. Blow them out the sky!!! Thats what I’ll do. And tell the cops that it was hovering by my 15 year old daughters bathroom window. Watch what happens. Somebody might be goin to jail but it ain’t gonna be me!
Thanks for your comment I totally agree
Hooray for you! Absolutely, my hats off to you!! I strongly agree with this comment. It isn’t ok to invade the lives of someone. What has happened to standards and morals?
I live in southern illinois and have at times 2 to 20 drones in the air some moving others stationary weather doesn’t seem to interfere with their operation sometimes above the clouds and other times below not seen any since beginning of the month some fly the same pattern every night some flash colored red and green lights others flash a white light talked to others in the area and get back that they been seen but not much else confused on their operational reason as not much here but forest and farms