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Make sure you cast an informed vote.

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Staying informed about the 2024 presidential election is an important aspect of being a voter, even for those abroad who might need to rely on a USA VPN to access campaign news. It’s equally important to be aware of candidates’ positions on privacy issues as our lives become increasingly more connected.

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, party candidates are fiercely campaigning for the nomination. Their positions on hot-button topics like abortion rights, taxes, war, and gun control are well-publicized, but their views on privacy in the digital era aren’t as well-defined.

In the age of big data and artificial intelligence, it’s more important than ever for voters to understand where their preferred candidates stand on issues like mass surveillance, AI, and cybersecurity. These topics have the potential to revolutionize our society, but they also pose significant risks to our civil liberties.

We delve into a few of the leading 2024 presidential candidates’ views on critical aspects of privacy, and what their potential policies would mean for Americans if they’re elected president.

Who’s running for president in 2024?

In the 2024 United States presidential race, at the time of publishing, 9 candidates were vying for the highest office. This includes two Republicans, three Democrats, and three independent candidates. Notably, the spotlight remains on the familiar faces from the 2020 election: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. 

Among the Democratic contenders, President Biden faces only two challengers: Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips. On the Republican side, notable figures in the race include  Nikki Haley and Ryan Binkley.

In the independent category, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein round out the roster. The 2024 United States elections are scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Jump to…

The importance of digital governance

Where do Biden and Trump stand?

Where do other U.S. presidential hopefuls stand?

The importance of digital governance

Digital governance is the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of public institutions and services. It can also foster citizen participation, inclusion, and empowerment in the decision-making processes that affect their lives.

Digital governance is becoming increasingly important when it comes to American civil liberties as ICTs are now used in virtually every aspect of government operations, from delivering services to citizens to making policy decisions. 

While several components fall under digital governance, here are key aspects that voters should consider in the 2024 presidential race:

Privacy and mass surveillance

Privacy is a fundamental human right. It allows us to control our own information and to make choices about how it is used. Mass surveillance, on the other hand, is the collection of data about large numbers of people—usually without their knowledge or consent. Mass surveillance can potentially harm free speech and can lead to the persecution of minority groups.

In the U.S., the National Security Agency (NSA) has the legal authority under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to collect electronic communications without warrants for national security purposes. This has historically included data from tech companies and internet traffic.

Artificial intelligence

AI is a rapidly advancing technology with the potential to transform many aspects of our lives. It also presents risks, such as bias, discrimination, and privacy concerns, particularly with the rise of deepfake technology. Voters need to know how candidates plan to use AI in government, including what regulations and safeguards they propose to address these risks and protect individual privacy.

Digital inclusion

Digital inclusion is the ability of all people to access and use digital technologies. Digital technologies are essential for participation in society and the economy. Voters should consider how the candidates plan to ensure that all Americans have access to the digital technologies they need.


Cybersecurity is essential for protecting government systems and data, as well as the personal information of citizens. Voters should consider how the candidates plan to strengthen cybersecurity and protect the government and its people from cyberattacks.

Where do Biden and Trump stand?

As the two leading candidates for the 2024 Democratic and Republican presidential primaries, with both having held a seat in the Oval Office, we examine Biden and Trump’s stances on digital governance.

Joe Biden (D)

Privacy and mass surveillance 

Navigating the delicate balance between national security and privacy, President Biden’s administration has shown support for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Amendments Act of 2008, specifically Section 702. As mentioned above, this important legislation empowers the NSA to conduct extensive surveillance. While argued as essential for national security, this move has also sparked substantial debate. Critics, especially privacy advocates, express concern over the implications for civil liberties, particularly regarding the warrantless surveillance of American citizens. Interestingly, this stance marks a departure from Biden’s previous objections to such surveillance measures.

The Biden administration is also endorsing a comprehensive financial surveillance system, aimed at curbing tax evasion, indicating a propensity to use surveillance tools for regulatory purposes. While intended to address financial malpractices, these measures also raise questions about their impact on financial privacy and the extent of governmental intrusion into private transactions.


In the realm of artificial intelligence, President Biden has taken a proactive stance. His executive order on AI is a significant leap towards a balanced approach, prioritizing the development of AI that is safe, secure, and trustworthy. 

This executive order is part of a broader strategy to position the United States at the forefront of AI innovation. It involves establishing foundational standards and guidelines that govern the development and use of AI. These standards are designed to ensure that AI technologies benefit society as a whole while mitigating potential risks, such as biases and discrimination.

A key aspect of Biden’s approach is the focus on combating AI bias. The executive order addresses the risks of irresponsible AI use, which can lead to discrimination in areas like justice, healthcare, and housing. 

Digital inclusion 

Digital inclusion is a cornerstone of the Biden administration’s agenda, propelled by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This law funnels substantial investments into programs like the 42.45 billion USD Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program and the 2.75 billion USD Digital Equity Act (DE Act). These initiatives represent a concerted effort to bridge the digital divide, enhance digital literacy, and ensure widespread access to technology.

We’re committed to working with all who share those values to shape the rules of the road that are going to govern our progress in the 21st century, including on issues of cybersecurity and emerging technologies so that future generations continue to reap the benefits of liberty and democracy, as we have.


The National Cybersecurity Strategy aims to protect various critical sectors and imposes cybersecurity regulations on sectors like electric utilities and nuclear facilities. This strategy is expected to extend minimum requirements to other vital sectors as well. Additionally, it emphasizes more aggressive regulation to secure critical systems such as banks, electric utilities, and hospitals. A key aspect of this strategy is shifting the responsibility for preventing cyberattacks from individuals to large corporations.

Donald Trump (R)

Privacy and mass surveillance 

Trump’s approach to privacy and mass surveillance heavily favored security and intelligence gathering, often overshadowing digital privacy and civil liberties. His campaign and presidency underscored this priority, advocating government surveillance of specific groups and aligning with practices that broadened the U.S. government’s surveillance reach. 

We will invest heavily in offensive cyber capabilities to disrupt our enemies, including terrorists who rely heavily on internet communications.

Trump’s administration, entering a political climate ripe for surveillance expansion, maintained a critical view of the NSA’s operations under the Obama administration, suggesting an acceptance of robust surveillance powers. His stance on encryption and internet privacy, particularly his signing of a bill that repealed the Federal Communications Commission’s online privacy protections, indicates a preference for surveillance and intelligence over individual privacy rights.


Trump’s presidency was marked by active engagement in advancing AI. The February 2019 launch of the American Artificial Intelligence Initiative and executive orders to integrate AI into government operations and expand the AI talent pool in the federal government underscored his commitment to establishing the U.S. as a leader in AI development.

Digital inclusion 

Addressing the broadband gap, especially in rural areas, was a key focus during Trump’s administration. Efforts included leveraging federal assets for rural broadband deployment and streamlining federal permitting processes. An executive order was issued to facilitate these efforts, reflecting a targeted approach to reducing the digital divide and promoting digital inclusion in underserved areas.


Trump made concerted efforts to advance U.S. cybersecurity during his presidency. The signing of an executive order in May 2017 to fortify federal network cybersecurity and the creation of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) marked significant advancements. 

The administration’s approach to international cybersecurity, particularly in preventing foreign technology companies from gaining influence, and upgrading the U.S. Cyber Command to a unified combatant command, was central to its strategy. These actions aimed to establish a robust defense against cyber threats from adversarial states. Yet, the administration also drew criticism for its handling of election security and the spread of online disinformation, actions that were perceived as undermining the democratic processes they were meant to protect.

Where do other U.S. presidential hopefuls stand?

In the race for the 2024 U.S. presidency, the spotlight often misses how candidates, who haven’t yet served in the Oval Office, view critical issues like digital governance and privacy. While their positions on mainstream topics like the economy, healthcare, and national security are frequently discussed, their views on digital governance often remain in the background.

To get a clearer picture of where these presidential hopefuls stand on the rights of Americans in the digital realm, we focus on their perspective on the NSA. The NSA’s role in surveillance and intelligence gathering offers a window into how these candidates might balance national security with individual privacy rights.

Nikki Haley (R)

Haley’s approach to privacy and social media emphasizes national security concerns. She has proposed mandating social media users to verify their identities with their legal names to counter anonymous posts she views as national security threats. She argues that this measure would help combat misinformation and division spread by foreign bots using anonymity. However, her proposal has been met with criticisms over potential infringements on privacy rights and the historical value of anonymous speech in the U.S. Acknowledging these concerns, Haley later clarified that her issue is primarily with foreign adversaries, not anonymous American users exercising free speech.

Every person on social media should be verified by their name. [An anonymous comment] is a national security threat because it can spread misinformation.

In terms of NSA surveillance, Haley advocates for privacy protections, opposing the collection of basic metadata from citizens’ phone calls without a warrant demonstrating probable cause of criminal activity. This stance reflects her preference for safeguarding privacy rights and ensuring government surveillance is conducted with strict legal adherence.

Jill Stein (I)

Stein’s stance on privacy and surveillance is critical of the NSA’s metadata collection program. She views this program as a stark infringement on civil liberties and privacy rights. Advocating for stringent legal oversight, Stein believes that the NSA should only collect basic metadata from citizens’ phone calls if backed by a warrant showing probable cause of criminal activity. This position underscores her commitment to upholding privacy rights and ensuring that surveillance activities are conducted within the bounds of the law.

We have become the most surveilled population in history, and the potential for abuse is enormous.

Similar to Ramaswamy’s stance, Stein has stated that if elected president, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden would have a role in her cabinet. By aligning with Snowden, who exposed extensive global surveillance programs, Stein highlights her prioritization of privacy. 

Ron DeSantis (R) – Dropped out

DeSantis’ views on privacy and the NSA reflect a cautious stance towards government overreach. He has expressed opposition to the NSA’s warrantless collection of citizens’ phone call metadata, advocating for the protection of Americans’ right to privacy. 

Our Digital Bill of Rights will ensure Floridians are protected from the overreach and surveillance we have seen from Big Tech companies.

Further emphasizing his commitment to digital privacy, DeSantis—who has since dropped out of the running for president—has championed a Digital Bill of Rights in Florida. This initiative aims to safeguard residents from invasive tech practices, exemplified by his ban on TikTok and other foreign-linked platforms on state government devices. Additionally, his policies seek to curtail Big Tech’s potential influence on free speech and political discourse, as evidenced by his measures to ensure transparency in social media content moderation and to prevent the unjust de-platforming of political candidates. 

Vivek Ramaswamy (R) – Dropped out

Even though he dropped out of the presidential race on January 16, Ramaswamy’s stance on privacy and government transparency is centered around supporting whistleblower rights. He has stated his intention to pardon Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and whistle-blower Edward Snowden, viewing Snowden’s actions of exposing government surveillance as “heroic.” 

[Snowden] took a risk that he didn’t have to take in order to actually expose to the public what the public did not already know, and change that would not have happened in terms of delivering accountability to the government.

Additionally, Ramaswamy opposes the government exerting pressure on social media companies to censor political speech. He advocates for the preservation of free expression, voicing concerns about government overreach in digital communication spaces. This stance reflects a commitment to protecting individual rights to privacy and free speech, emphasizing a balance between government oversight and personal liberties. 

Chris Christie (R) – Dropped out

Chris Christie’s presidential campaign underscores a strong commitment to national security, often at the expense of privacy concerns. He advocates for the NSA’s robust surveillance capabilities, including the reinstatement of the metadata collection program. This stance reflects his belief that national security needs outweigh the debates surrounding individual privacy rights. Christie has consistently defended the NSA’s spying powers, even amid criticism, highlighting his support for expansive intelligence-gathering measures.

The end of the metadata program has made America weaker and more vulnerable. If Republicans in Congress really want to do something to protect American families, they should fight for the restoration of the metadata program and not take no for an answer.

In contrast to libertarian views, Christie argues for enhanced military and surveillance capabilities, challenging opponents of the Patriot Act and similar legislation. He regards concerns over government surveillance as exaggerated, focusing instead on the importance of these measures in combating terrorism.

Cenk Uygur (D) – Dropped out

Cenk Uygur approaches the issue of privacy and surveillance with a critical perspective, particularly regarding the NSA and its collection of Americans’ data. He expresses deep skepticism about the NSA’s integrity in managing the vast surveillance data it accumulates, including information on U.S. citizens. Highlighting alleged instances of abuse, such as NSA agents using their access to surveil ex-partners, Uygur questions the government’s trustworthiness in handling personal data that constitutionally should be private.

Intelligence shouldn’t be a danger to the values of the republic it purports to serve.

His stance reflects a broader apprehension about government overreach and a lack of accountability in handling personal information, emphasizing the need for stronger safeguards against privacy invasions.

What do you think of each presidential candidate’s stance? Let us know in the comments below. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article has been compiled through research from a wide variety of reputable sources. These sources include Wikipedia, executive orders from the White House, articles from news organizations such as Slate, ACLU, Reason, Forbes, Daily Dot, Reuters, National Geographic, Brookings, Politico, AP News, and others, as well as official blog posts from organizations like the National Skills Coalition and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

ExpressVPN is not affiliated or associated with any of the political parties mentioned in these sources. We aim to present this information impartially and solely for informative purposes. We are committed to providing accurate and balanced content to our readers, without any intention of influencing or swaying public opinion or political stances.

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How to recover a hacked Facebook account https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/how-to-recover-a-hacked-facebook-account/ https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/how-to-recover-a-hacked-facebook-account/#comments Wed, 06 Dec 2023 23:00:55 +0000 https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/?p=108739 how-to-recover-facebook-hacked-account

We break down the steps to take if an unauthorized person has accessed your account.

The post How to recover a hacked Facebook account appeared first on Home of internet privacy.


Think no one’s going to target your old Facebook account? In September 2023, Vox published an investigative report that uncovered a Facebook hacking syndicate operating in Vietnam that preferred older Facebook accounts because of the wealth of valuable information such accounts contain, like photos, sensitive data, and even credit card details.

Even if your account is disused, getting hacked can be risky, exposing not only yourself but also your contacts to identity theft. Here we have compiled a comprehensive guide outlining what steps to take in case you’ve become a victim of a Facebook hack, as well as measures to prevent getting hacked in the first place.

What does it mean when your Facebook account has been hacked?

For clarity, when discussing a Facebook account being hacked, we mean that it has been accessed without authorization. There are two possible reasons why a hack can happen: 

  1. A data breach: A data breach at Meta could lead to someone accessing your account without your authorization. If account passwords are left unencrypted on Meta’s servers (as they were found to be in 2019), a hacker could use that information to sign in to your account. 
  2. Bypassing account security: Using a weak password or divulging your password to others, while not having multi-factor authentication to strengthen your account security, can allow someone to gain unauthorized access to your account.

How to tell if your Facebook account was hacked 

While every account hack is different, some telltale signs include:

  • You’re unable to log into Facebook despite entering the correct password.
  • You’ve received unrequested password reset emails or emails prompting you to change your password.
  • Friends and followers have been alerting you of suspicious Facebook messages they’ve received from you.
  • You’ve noticed unauthorized changes on your profile, like a change in your Facebook name or other information.
  • You’re suddenly targeted with more Facebook scams and direct messages.
  • Posts, comments, or messages have been created or sent from or through your account—but not by you. 
  • You find sessions in your “Where You’re Logged In” information that you don’t recognize.

What to do if your Facebook account has been hacked

If you think your Facebook account has been hacked, acting quickly to regain control and protect your privacy is important. Here’s a general step-by-step guide on what to do: 

Step 1: Secure your email account 

Since your Facebook account is likely linked to your email address, securing your email first is crucial. Change your email password and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to prevent unauthorized access.

Step 2: Change your Facebook password 

Once your email is secure, change your Facebook password, if it hasn’t already been changed by a hacker. Avoid using passwords that are easy to guess or that you’ve used in the past. Use a strong, unique password that combines upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Step 3: Log out of other sessions

Check your recent login activity to see if there are any unauthorized logins. If you notice any unfamiliar logins, log out of those devices and remove them from your trusted devices list.

Step 4: Delete unauthorized posts or messages 

Review your recent posts and messages to see if there are any that you didn’t create or send. If you find any unauthorized activity, delete those posts or messages and report them to Facebook.

Step 5: Strengthen your security settings

Check your Facebook security settings to make sure they are up to date. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security to your account. You should also review your trusted devices and remove any that you no longer recognize.

Step 6: Report the hack to Facebook 

Let Facebook know about the hack by reporting it to their help center. They can provide further assistance and help you secure your account.

How to recover your Facebook account if you still have access

If you’ve still got access to your Facebook account, here’s what to do instead: 

Step 1. Change your password immediately

As mentioned in the tips above, change your password immediately. This will prevent the hacker from reaccessing your account and using it for malicious purposes.

Step 2. Check where you’re logged into

If you suspect your account has been hacked, check where you’re currently logged in. This can help you identify any unauthorized access and take steps to secure your account. Most online services provide a way to view your recent login activity.  

On Facebook, you can go to Settings > Security and Login > See Recent Login Activity. This will show you a list of devices and locations where your account has been accessed. If you see any unfamiliar logins, you can log out of those devices and remove them from your trusted devices list.

Step 3. Report the incident on Facebook 

Reporting a hacking incident on Facebook helps the platform identify and address any security vulnerabilities it might have. Additionally, reporting the hack helps Facebook track the prevalence of hacking incidents and better understand the evolving tactics and techniques used by hackers. This information can be used to develop more effective security measures and raise awareness among users about the potential risks of online threats.

How to recover a hacked Facebook account you’ve been locked out of

While there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to recover your Facebook account if you’ve been locked out of it, Facebook offers specific steps for this scenario.

Head to Facebook’s Find Your Account page. Once there, you’ll be asked to enter your email address or mobile number. You’ll then be asked to reset your password through a code sent either through the email address or phone number. Follow the instructions to reset your password and gain access to your account again. Through a friend’s logged-in Facebook account, you can also go to your account page, select the three dots under your cover photo, select Find support or report profile > Something Else > Next > Recover this account

How to report a hacked Facebook account 

If you can still access your Facebook account and see that some changes have been made to it, you should report the hack to Facebook for investigation. Before reporting, try to gather evidence of the incident. This can include things like screenshots of unauthorized login attempts, unfamiliar posts or messages, or unusual notifications from friends. 

To report the incident, head to Facebook.com/hacked and click on “My Account Is Compromised.” You’ll be asked to enter an old or current password for verification. Then, follow the steps provided. You might also be asked for additional information and details about the incident.

Compromised Account
This is the screen you should get if you’re logged out of Facebook.

You’ll then be asked to enter your current or old password to report the hack.

Compromised Account—2
However, if you’re already logged in, you’ll see a different screen and must follow the steps outlined to report the hack.

However, if you’re already logged in, you’ll see a different screen and must follow the steps outlined to report the hack.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 4.00.28 PM

How to keep your Facebook account secure

Follow these preventative steps below to keep your Facebook account safe and secure and prevent future hacks.

Step 1: Create and use a strong and unique password 

When creating a password manually for any account, make sure to create one that’s at least 12 characters long and use a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. To better protect your password security, it might be worth signing up for a password manager. A password manager stores all your passwords, requiring you to remember only one primary password to access all of them—allowing you to use stronger, more complicated passwords. Full-featured password managers cost money, but ExpressVPN offers one, called Keys, which is built into the app, and included in every subscription.

Step 2: Enable two-factor authentication on your account 

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring you to enter a one-time code, often from your phone, in addition to your password. This makes it much more difficult for someone to hack into your account, even if they have your password. 

Step 3: Disable third-party app connections

Third-party apps can access your Facebook data and potentially pose security risks. Regularly review the apps connected to your Facebook account and revoke access to any you no longer use or trust. To do this, go to Settings > Security and Login > Apps and Websites.

By disabling unused or untrusted third-party app connections, you can reduce the potential for unauthorized access to your Facebook data and enhance your overall account security.

Step 4: Set up alerts for unrecognized login attempts 

You can change your settings to receive login alerts. These act as early warning signals, notifying you when someone attempts to log in to your account from an unfamiliar device or location. By promptly receiving these notifications, you can be aware that someone is attempting to hack you and take action to protect your account if necessary. 

Step 5: Remove any payment methods linked to your account

Removing inactive or unused payment methods linked to your Facebook account. It eliminates potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by unauthorized individuals or malicious software. Even if you trust these payment methods, keeping them linked to your Facebook account unnecessarily increases the risk of unauthorized charges.

Step 6: Add a backup email address to your account 

A backup email provides a reliable channel for regaining control of your account if your primary email address becomes compromised or inaccessible. If you lose access to your primary email, you can use the backup email to receive password reset instructions and regain entry into your Facebook account. This prevents you from being locked out of your profile and losing access to your connections, photos, and memories.

Step 7: Limit what people can see

By restricting who can see your personal information, posts, and photos, you minimize the risk of targeted attacks and data breaches. Limiting public access to your profile reduces the exposure of sensitive information to malicious actors who may exploit it for personal gain or identity theft.

Moreover, customizing your privacy settings lets you control who can contact you, send you friend requests, and tag you in posts. This helps filter out unwanted interactions. By carefully managing your privacy settings, you control your online presence and prevent unwanted intrusions.

Should I be worried if my Facebook has been hacked?

Yes, you should be worried if your Facebook account has been hacked. A typical Facebook account usually contains personal information like your name, email address, birthday, and even phone number. These types of information could be used to steal your identity, commit fraud, or even be used to stalk you physically.

Another problem is your account could be used to scam your contacts. For instance, a hacker could use your account to message your friends and family members to ask them for money. And finally, someone could start posting offensive content on your account while pretending to be you, to make you look bad.

What is the first thing to do when your Facebook account gets hacked?

The first thing to do when your Facebook account gets hacked is to change your password if it hasn’t already been changed by the hacker.

How long does it take for Facebook to resolve a hacked account?

According to cybersecurity service Cyrus, it might take between one to two weeks for Facebook to recover a hacked account if it’s without any significant complexities.

What happens if a Facebook hacker gets your phone number?

If a Facebook hacker gets your phone number, they might try to access another online account you might have. For example, since Facebook and Instagram are connected through their parent company, a hacker might then attempt to log into your Instagram account as well.

What does it look like when your Facebook has been hacked?

Some common signs that your Facebook account has been hacked include changes in your profile like your username, birthdate, or even profile description, if there are any. You might also notice things like a recovery email being added to your account, or you might find that posts have been created but not by you.

Can I recover my Facebook account without my email and phone number?

No, Facebook cannot recover your account without the email or phone number associated with the account. The platform needs to verify that it is, in fact you asking to recover your account and will need to send you a verification code to recover the account.

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ExpressVPN completes rollout of built-in password manager, Keys https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/expressvpn-keys-password-manager-launch/ https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/expressvpn-keys-password-manager-launch/#comments Mon, 06 Nov 2023 09:01:03 +0000 https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/?p=102276 expressvpn keys password manager launch

The world's leading privacy experts have officially launched a secure, easy-to-use password manager for all subscribers, complete with new security features and built right in to the app they already use.

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expressvpn keys password manager launch

The average person spends three minutes and 46 seconds resetting every password they forget, every time they forget it. Multiply that by all your streaming services, bank accounts, social networks, and everything else you do online, and that’s precious time you’ll never get back. 

No wonder so many people reuse passwords or choose ones so basic that they can’t withstand even a simple brute-force attack—putting your data, money, or even your personal safety at risk.

Widely considered by experts to be the safest way to store your passwords, password managers have much to offer for those who care about their privacy and security, allowing them to use complex passwords without having to remember them. And yet the same ExpressVPN survey on the time we waste resetting passwords also found that only 35% of respondents were using a password manager.

That’s why we developed ExpressVPN Keys. It’s a full-featured password manager that’s seamlessly integrated into your VPN experience—no extra app or subscription required. It generates and stores unlimited passwords across your devices—even your browser—and then securely fills them in for you with just a click. Keys also offers Password Health, which rates your logins to help you make safer choices, and data breach monitoring, which alerts you when your information may have already been compromised. 

Today, we are making Keys available to all new and existing ExpressVPN users. This official launch means everyone can now enjoy password security and online privacy all in one app. It’s more protection in a single subscription.

Seamless access across devices

With Keys, you only need a single password to manage and secure all your online accounts.

When you sign into a site or app, Keys will prompt you to save your username and password so it can automatically fill them in for you next time. You can also use Keys’ built-in password generator to create and customize unique, complex passwords you don’t need to memorize. Signing in becomes as easy as a click! 

Keys is integrated into the ExpressVPN apps for iOS and Android, and available as a browser extension on computers, allowing you to securely sync all your saved items across any of your devices. You will never have to trade convenience for security.

Keys also supports importing passwords from your browser or other password managers, making switching over easy, and signing in to your favorite sites and apps seamless.

Keep your data safe 

Everything you store in Keys is protected by zero-knowledge encryption, which ensures only you, and no one else—not even ExpressVPN—can access it. 

Keys continuously monitors whether your passwords have been leaked in a data breach and can also check whether your email address has been leaked in the past, so you can take immediate action. And our Password Health feature grades your current passwords, offering tips to make them better and help keep your data safe.

Keys can generate one-time passwords for any account you’ve chosen to protect with two-factor authentication (2FA), which is one of the best ways to safeguard your security even if your passwords have been compromised in a breach. 

And, you can protect a lot more than just your passwords. Keys can help you securely store credit-card details and all kinds of sensitive information, like health data, identification numbers, and the answers to security questions. Simply pop it in a secure note, and it’s safe from prying eyes, just like your passwords.

Password security you can trust

Keys was built by the same security experts behind our industry-leading VPN and blazing-fast Lightway VPN protocol. We’ve spent more than a decade building, upgrading, and refining our VPN, which is trusted by more than 4 million subscribers. Like our VPN, the password manager is secure by design and puts you in control of your data. 

We’ve even published a security white paper detailing Keys’ design and infrastructure for full transparency. If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how our security can be improved, let us know. All qualifying reports are eligible for a cash reward under our bug bounty program. 

See, we take security seriously. But don’t just take our word for it. We enlisted the independent cybersecurity firm Cure53 to audit our ExpressVPN apps for iOS and Android, as well as the Keys browser extension for Chrome, affirming that our password manager is as robust and secure as our VPN.

Our passionate beta testers and early adopters have also contributed, offering feedback as we improved Keys with Password Health, credit-card and secure-note storage, and the 2FA authenticator feature. 

With the official launch of Keys, ExpressVPN continues to improve as an all-in-one suite of tools: VPN, password manager, ad blocker, and a malware and tracker blocker. We encourage you to learn more about how ExpressVPN Keys is the perfect complement to your VPN. Just tap the Keys tab in your mobile app or download the Chrome browser extension to get started.

The post ExpressVPN completes rollout of built-in password manager, Keys appeared first on Home of internet privacy.

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List of scam websites in 2024: 25 suspected fake shopping sites https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/list-of-scam-shopping-websites/ https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/list-of-scam-shopping-websites/#comments Fri, 03 Nov 2023 06:26:24 +0000 https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/?p=102977

Scammers are creating fake sites all the time, so it's important to stay vigilant when shopping online.

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Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the biggest shopping days of the year—with good reason. Retailers offer amazing deals on everything from electronics to clothing to home goods. But with so many bargains to choose from, it’s easy to fall for fake shopping websites.

Fake shopping websites are designed to look like real websites, but they’re actually scams. These websites will often offer incredibly low prices on popular items, but they’ll never actually deliver the products you order. In some cases, fake shopping websites aim to steal your credit card information.

To help you avoid fake shopping websites, we’ve compiled a list of 25 websites to avoid during big shopping holidays.

Jump to…
What are scam websites?
How do fake websites work?
The 10 different types of scam websites
The latest list of scamming websites
Other suspected scam shopping sites
How to avoid being scammed when shopping online
What to do if you buy something from a scam shopping site

What are scam websites?

Scam websites are illegitimate online platforms designed to trick users into revealing personal information and financial details, or infecting their devices with harmful software like malware. Scammers often use fake websites to impersonate legitimate businesses, organizations, or government entities. This helps them to gain users’ trust and exploit them.

A few of the key characteristics of scam websites include:

  • Deception and impersonation: Scam websites go to great lengths to mimic the look and functionality of genuine platforms. They copy logos, layouts, and content, making it hard for users to spot the deceit.
  • Solicitation of personal information: Scammers aim to collect sensitive data like names, addresses, contact information, and social security numbers. This information can be used for identity theft, scams, or even sold on the black market.
  • Financial exploitation: Fake websites may coerce individuals into providing financial details such as credit card numbers or banking credentials. This allows scammers to commit financial fraud, including unauthorized transactions and draining victims’ accounts.
  • Malware dissemination: Some scam websites are equipped with harmful software meant to infiltrate users’ devices. Once infected, these devices can be remotely controlled, leading to data theft or even ransom demands.
  • Social engineering tactics: Scam websites use persuasive language, false endorsements, and fabricated customer reviews to gain users’ trust. These tactics create a false sense of credibility.

How do scam websites work? 

Fake websites have one clear objective: to deceive users into handing over their personal information or cash. They employ several tactics to achieve this:

Phishing attacks

Scammers send deceptive emails or text messages, appearing to be from legitimate sources. These messages often contain a link to a counterfeit website. When users fall for this and enter their login credentials or personal information, the scammer gains unauthorized access.

Fake shopping websites

These platforms promise unbeatable prices but never deliver the goods. Some go further, stealing users’ credit card information. 

Malware distribution

Fake websites can serve as launching pads for malware. This insidious software infiltrates devices, causing a range of issues, from data theft to device takeover. They spread malware through bogus downloads, malicious links, or intrusive pop-up ads.

Social media and forums

Scammers exploit these platforms to spread their deceit. They use enticing posts and comments to lure users to their fraudulent sites. 

Search engine ads

Scammers pay for deceptive ads that lead users to their fake websites. These ads often use tempting language or unbeatable offers to lure unsuspecting individuals.

Bot comments

Automated bots flood comment sections with links to fake sites. These comments may seem legitimate, but they’re designed to trick users into clicking on the provided links.

The 10 different types of scam websites 

Scam websites come in various forms, each with its own modus operandi. The various categories of scam websites include: 

1. Phishing websites

These sites impersonate trusted entities like banks or social media platforms, tricking users into revealing login credentials and personal information.

2. Fake shopping websites and discount landing pages

These platforms promise low prices for products they have no intention of delivering, and some may attempt to steal users’ credit card information.

3. Malware distribution websites

Functioning as hubs for harmful software, these sites infect devices with viruses, Trojans, or spyware, leading to a host of issues including data theft.

4. Tech support scams

Scammers pose as tech support agents, aiming to gain remote access to devices or sell unnecessary software or services.

5. Investment scams

These schemes promise high returns on fictitious investment opportunities, ultimately resulting in financial loss for the victims.

6. Charity scams

Scammers pose as legitimate charities, soliciting donations that often never reach their intended recipients.

7. Fake ticket-selling sites

These platforms falsely offer tickets to events or travel at attractive prices, but they rarely deliver the promised tickets.

8. Clone websites

These mimic authentic platforms, aiming to deceive users into providing sensitive information or engaging in fraudulent transactions.

9. Scareware sites

Using fake virus alerts or pop-ups, these sites attempt to persuade users to pay for phony solutions or services.

10. Scam contest websites

These sites lure users with fake contests, often requiring an upfront fee or personal information for entry. Winners rarely receive the promised prizes.

The latest list of suspected scamming websites 

There are thousands, if not millions, of fake websites on the internet currently. However, in light of the shopping holidays, we’re focusing on scam shopping websites so you know what to look out for when taking part in this year’s sales.

Here’s a list of the top suspected fake websites to avoid this Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

1. PiloSaleLtd[.]com or PiloLtd[.]com

These dodgy sites are almost identical clones of one another. They both claim to sell small items ranging from electronic goods to children’s toys. Both exhibit several red flags commonly associated with scam sites:

  • Low rating Trustpilot rating: Their Trustpilot rating is alarmingly low, holding a 1.6-star rating from 21 reviews. Nearly all of these customers have expressed dissatisfaction with products not aligning with descriptions, malfunctioning, or not arriving at all.
  • Poor customer service: Many reviewers have complained that the customer service at both sites is unresponsive or nonexistent.
  • Incomplete contact information: The contact page for PiloSaleLtd[.]com lists a phone number that is not in service, while the contact page for PiloLtd[.]com only lists an email address.
  • Limited social media presence: PiloSaleLtd[.]com has a Facebook page with only 15 likes, while PiloLtd[.]com doesn’t have any social media pages at all.
  • Subpar design and obvious errors: Both websites are poorly designed and contain grammatical errors, further eroding their credibility.
  • Both relatively new websites: PiloSaleLtd[.]com was registered in December 2022, while PiloLtd[.com was registered in January 2023. This is a common tactic used by scammers, as they can quickly create a new website and disappear once they have stolen enough money from customers.
  • Bargain-basement prices: This is another common scam tactic. They will offer products at prices that are too good to be true, in order to lure in customers.

2. TiffanyCoShop[.]com

While TiffanyCoShop[.]com doesn’t have any spam reports as of yet (likely due to its young domain age) and no presence on Trustpilot, it’s highly suspected to be a scam site due to these obvious warning bells:

  • Not the official Tiffany & Co. website: One of the most significant indicators that TiffanyCoShop[.]com is a scam site is the clear warning from the genuine Tiffany & Co. The official website explicitly states that their products are exclusively sold through their official country-specific platforms. They also emphasize that they only work with reputable platforms like Net-a-Porter and FarFetch as outside sellers.
  • Selling Tiffany merchandise at unusually low prices: Tiffany & Co. is a high-end luxury brand, and its merchandise is typically very expensive. If you come across a website offering Tiffany merchandise at remarkably low prices like TiffanyCoShop[.]com, it’s likely a scam.
  • Limited sitemap and missing About Us section: A sitemap is a comprehensive list of all the pages on a website. A thorough About Us section should provide information about the company, its products or services, and its contact details. TiffanyCoShop[.]com has a restricted sitemap and lacks a comprehensive About Us section which raises suspicions of being a scam.
  • Non-functioning social media links: The social media links on TiffanyCoShop[.]com only take one to the social media platform, not a specific page, which is a strong indication that the website isn’t legitimate. 
  • Suspicious payment processing site: If the payment processing on a website is routed through a suspicious payment site, it’s a red flag indicating that the website is not legitimate. Scammers frequently employ fake payment sites to steal people’s credit card information.
  • Young domain registration: The fact that the domain was registered in April 2023, and the registrar is Name Cheap, suggests that the website is very new. Additionally, Name Cheap is a popular domain registrar that is sometimes used by scammers.

3. Omitages[.]com

If you’re a fan of ornamental garden gnomes and other household trinkets, then you may want to stay away from omitages[.]com. Here are just some of the reasons why it’s suspected to be a scam shopping site:

  • The website is very new: Omitages[.]com was registered in September 2022, which is a red flag for any online business.
  • Low trust rating: According to Trustpilot, Omitages[.]com has a rating of 1.0 out of 5 stars. Numerous customers have complained about receiving counterfeit products, never receiving their orders at all, and experiencing difficulty obtaining refunds.
  • Poor grammar and spelling throughout: A dead giveaway of an unprofessional or potentially fraudulent website.
  • Lack of contact information: The only means of contacting the company is through an online form. There is no phone number or email address listed, which can be concerning for customers seeking support.
  • Suspicious return policy: The website’s policy requires all returns to be shipped back to China, at the customer’s expense. This is not a standard practice and indicates potential issues with the company’s operations.
  • Unusually low prices on products: If the prices seem too good to be true, it’s a strong indication that customers should exercise caution. 

4. Morrity[.]com

Morrity[.]com is an alleged player in the bustling wall art industry, however, several concerning indicators emerge when evaluating the site. These red flags raise doubts about the legitimacy and credibility of the platform:

  • Poor website design: The website is poorly designed and lacks elements in the metadata that could enhance its online presence. This deficiency in quality design and optimization raises questions about its credibility and overall quality.
  • Questionable product list: There seems to be only one item for sale.
  • Unusually low prices: Morrity[.]com offers products at prices that seem unusually low for the wall art industry, which should raise a few eyebrows. 
  • Limited payment options: The website provides only a restricted set of payment options, which may limit the convenience and security of customers.
  • Lack of contact information: Morrity[.]com offers no contact information other than a suspect email address. Additionally, there is no presence on social media platforms, which makes it challenging for customers to establish trust.

5. MyFaceBoxer[.]com

MyFaceBoxer[.]us is a website offering customizable socks and underwear, allowing customers to print their own or a loved one’s face on these items for a unique and playful gift—perfect for Christmas or Valentine’s Day. The company claims to be based in Hong Kong and allegedly ships globally. However, there are suspicions surrounding its legitimacy, even though it’s not been definitively confirmed as a scam site.

Warning signs include: 

  • Hidden owner identity on WHOIS: The website owner concealed their identity when registering the site.
  • Low visitor traffic according to traffic flow stats: This points to either a lack of investment in marketing or advertising or the website being flagged by search engines. Both are clear signs of a potential scam shopping site.
  • Dubious use of customer reviews and images: The website features customer reviews and images taken from legitimate sites, misleadingly presenting them as their own.
  • Dodgy Trustpilot reviews: While the company’s Trustpilot reviews aren’t all bad, many of the positive comments appear automated or repetitive, indicating potential bot-generated or purchased feedback. The negative comments also consistently report that items were never delivered. 
  • Heavily discounted items raise suspicion: All items are suspiciously discounted, often significantly below prices offered by legitimate wholesalers for similar items. 
  • Limited feedback opportunities on social media: While the company has a presence on Facebook and TikTok, comments and reviews have been disabled, potentially preventing customers from leaving feedback.
  • Flagged as possible fraud on Scamadviser: Users have flagged this site as a possible fraud on Scamadviser, a platform dedicated to exposing dodgy sites, further raising concerns about its legitimacy.

6. Sheingivesback[.]com

Sheingivesback[.]com is a misleading landing page posing as an official representative of the popular e-commerce platform, Shein. This deceptive site is just one example of an ongoing trend where scammers exploit the trust associated with reputable brands. 

  • Fake program: This dubious product reviewing program has gained rapid traction, enticing users with the promise of gift cards in exchange for signing up at Sheingivesback[.]com. It leverages the popularity of the e-commerce giant, offering unsuspecting victims the opportunity to claim 750 USD worth of vouchers for Shein products, in exchange for a product review.
  • Bait-and-switch tactics: Victims are coerced into engaging in various tasks and deals, some of which require credit card details, before receiving the promised gift card. This scheme is a classic example of a phishing scam.

  • Suspected malware: The redirect page is suspected to contain malware. Clicking on survey buttons or answering questions on this page could inadvertently lead to malicious software being installed onto users’ devices. 
  • TikTok promotions: Popular TikTok videos serve as a platform for this scam, drawing in users with the prospect of generous rewards for a simple sign-up. However, upon doing so, users are redirected to scam URLs like rewardsgiantusa[.]com, where their details are maliciously collected.

7. Emmarelief[.]com

Emmarelief[.]com claims to offer a solution for digestive problems through their Emma supplement. However, despite its somewhat legit-looking website design, several signs suggest that the site isn’t what it claims to be. 

  • Customer reviews: the company has 46 reviews on Trustpilot and a dismal score of 2.0. Over 76% of the reviews are negative, stating poor customer service and lengthy shipment delays. What’s worse, is that those that did receive the product reported severe stomach upset issues. 
  • Questionable TikTok endorsements: Positive TikTok reviews appear to be heavily influenced, casting doubt on their authenticity.
  • Low trust score: The site scores a dismal 1 out of 100 on ScamAdviser, raising significant red flags regarding its legitimacy.
  • Unrealistic claims: The site’s bold promises regarding digestive health should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism.
  • Missing information: The absence of ingredient information and scientific backing leaves a gaping hole in the site’s credibility.
  • Design flaws: Despite the fact that it’s a somewhat decently designed website, Emmarelief[.]com is riddled with grammatical errors. Its contact information is also elusive.

8. Luvasti[.]com

Luvasti[.]com, an online jewelry store, has raised concerns about its legitimacy. The site used a now-deleted TikTok account to offer exclusive discounts, but this seems to be a tactic to encourage purchases without real intent to deliver.

  • Copied legal pages: The Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and About Us sections on the website are directly copied from known scam sites. This is a common tactic to create an illusion of legitimacy, but these policies likely offer little to no actual protection for users. Even the images are unlawfully taken from other reputable retailers.  
  • Zero contact information: This site doesn’t provide any customer service phone number, physical address, or live chat support. This blatant lack of contact details leaves customers with no means to communicate with the company about any issues.
  • Anonymous company: Only registered in July, the identity of the owners or operators of Luvasti[.]com isn’t disclosed. This complete lack of transparency raises significant concerns and casts doubt on the site’s trustworthiness for purchases or data handling.
  • No social media presence: Reputable brands actively engage with customers through various social media platforms. The complete absence of any social media accounts linked to Luvasti[.]com is highly unusual and adds to the suspicion surrounding the site.

9. BedBathClose[.]com

BedBathClose[.]com is a deceptive website masquerading as the well-known retailer Bed Bath & Beyond. This fraudulent site exploits Bed Bath & Beyond’s recent bankruptcy announcement and store-closing sale, offering massive discounts that are simply too good to be true. 

  • Unrealistic discounts: BedBathClose[.]com offers discounts ranging from 50-80% on a wide range of home goods, including furniture. These discounts are far beyond what would be considered realistic for high-quality furniture items. 
  • Poorly constructed site: BedBathClose[.]com is a badly built site and lacks the professional polish seen on a legitimate retail website. This includes weird font, issues like broken links, inconsistent layouts, and overall clunky navigation. 
  • Plagiarized images: The scammers behind Bedbathclose[.]com appear to have lifted images directly from the legitimate Bed Bath & Beyond website, as well as used screenshots from the site. This has made them grainy and pixelated. 
  • Fake trusted score rating: The site has a “trusted store” rating on the bottom right of the page, which is self-assigned and lacks endorsement from any recognized authority. This tactic is a typical strategy used by scam sites to falsely convey trustworthiness.


BrookShoeOutlet[.]com is a known scam site with a dismal 1.8 rating on Trustpilot, characterized by an overwhelming number of negative reviews. A few customers said they received a low-quality necklace instead of the expected shoes—a common tactic that scammers use to prove they delivered an item when questioned. 

  • It is not an authorized retailer of Brooks shoes: Brooks has confirmed that they do not have outlet stores and that their only official website is brooksrunning.com.  
  • Numerous complaints: There are numerous complaints and inquiries about whether this Brooks outlet site is legit. 
  • Too-good-to-be-true deals: Brooks shoes are relatively expensive, so it’s unlikely that a legitimate retailer would be selling them at a significant discount.
  • Limited shoe selection: Instead of offering a wide range of shoe models characteristic of a legitimate retailer, BrooksShoeOutlet[.]com only lists the most popular and highly searched-for shoe models. 
  • Suspicious contact information: BrooksShoeOutlet[.]com lacks clear and trustworthy contact information. Instead of a legitimate business address, phone number, or official email, it provides a generic Outlook address. 
  • Substandard website design and navigation: The design and navigation of the BrooksShoeOutlet[.]com website is noticeably poor, lacking the professionalism expected from a legitimate online store. This includes difficulties in finding information and a lack of intuitive navigation.

11. SueWhitehurst[.]shop

SueWhitehurst[.]shop lures customers in with its promise of authentic Nike Air Jordan shoes at discounted prices. However, once customers place their orders, they’re often left disappointed.

  • Misuse of Nike’s branding: SueWhitehurst[.]shop is not affiliated with or authorized by Nike in any way, but it uses the Nike name, logo, and images of Air Jordan shoes to lure victims into thinking it’s a legitimate Nike retailer.
  • Poor customer satisfaction: Customers report never receiving any products after placing orders or receiving low-quality knockoffs instead of real Nike items.
  • Recent domain name registration: SueWhitehurst[.]shop’s domain was registered very recently, a common tactic of scam sites looking to execute short-lived schemes before being shut down.
  • Fake contact information: The provided contact information on the site is fake, leaving customers with no legitimate way to reach the company should issues arise with their orders.
  • Unrealistic discounts: The discounts offered on the site are highly unrealistic. Legitimate companies can’t maintain such extreme markdowns, suggesting the presence of counterfeit or deceptive goods.
  • Stolen product information and images: SueWhitehurst[.]shop showcases product information and images taken from other major retailers, revealing a lack of effort in creating an original website or unique products.
  • No social media presence: The absence of any social media presence is unusual for a legitimate company, adding to the suspicion surrounding the site’s authenticity.

12. WilkoClosing[.]com

WilkoClosing[.]com is a fake website that claims to be selling Wilko products at clearance prices. The scam works by luring shoppers in with unrealistic discounts of up to 90%. Once a shopper places an order, they are either not sent anything at all, or they receive cheap counterfeits, used or tampered goods, or completely wrong items. In some cases, victims have also reported their personal and payment information being stolen.

  • Unrealistic discounts: Genuine retailers rarely offer more than 50% off at maximum. Discounts above 70% or 90% are almost always scams.
  • No valid contact information: WilkoClosing[.]com has no valid customer service phone number, physical address, or live chat. This lack of contact details prevents reaching anyone with issues.
  • Opaque ownership and operation details: The site completely lacks transparency about who owns or operates the business. Opaque sites should never be trusted with purchases or data.
  • Sloppy website: Overall, WilkoClosing[.]com is a badly designed website with misspellings, grammatical errors, and inconsistent formatting. 
  • Stolen product images: Reverse image searching product images from WilkoClosing[.]com often reveals that they are stolen from other sites.
  • Reliance on social media ads and influencer posts: WilkoClosing[.]com relies on Facebook/Instagram ads and fake influencer posts to lure in victims rather than organic traffic. This is because the site has been flagged by Google so it doesn’t feature as a search engine result. 

13. OnlineHokaSale[.]com

OnlineHokaSale[.]com is one of the many scam websites that claim to sell Hoka shoes at discounted prices. 

  • The website is new: According to Whois, the domain name OnlineHokaSale[.]com was registered in June 2023—it’s common for scammers to create new websites all the time before they’re pulled down, in order to evade detection.
  • Poorly designed: The website has a number of grammatical errors and typos, and the overall design is unprofessional. Even the hero image is cut off on the homepage, indicating that it was lifted. 
  • Company info is lifted: The scammers didn’t try hard when it comes to the sitemap. The information under Our Story and Our Impact are screenshots from the official Hoka website. The legal pages, including the Shipping Policy and Return Policy, are also lifted. 
  • Unrealistic claims: The website claims to sell Hoka shoes at significantly discounted prices, for example, they’re selling a pair of Women’s Bondi 8 that retails for 165 USD for the random amount of 39.89 USD.
  • No contact information: The website does not have a physical address or phone number listed. It only has a questionable email, faq@onlineemailhoka[.]com listed. 
  • Fake reviews: All the reviews featured on the site are fake, and likely made up by the scammer or lifted from genuine Hoka retailers. 

14. Walofficials[.]com

Walmart scams are on the rise, and Walofficials[.]com is just one example. This is because scammers know that people are more likely to trust a website or call that claims to be from Walmart. Walmart also sells a variety of products at competitive prices which can easily lure unsuspecting victims in. 

  • Ridiculously low prices: The website offers products at prices that are too good to be true, such as 5 USD for a 50 USD product.
  • Stock photos: Walofficials[.]com uses stock photos instead of unique product images, which is a sign that the products may not be real or that the website is simply copying and pasting content from other websites.
  • Bad grammar/spelling: The site is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, which is another sign of a scam.
  • High-pressure sales tactics: Walofficials[.]com uses high-pressure sales tactics to urge customers to purchase immediately, such as by claiming that products are in limited supply or that prices will go up soon.
  • Weird-looking URL: The website has a strange-looking URL that only includes half the company’s brand name. It also uses the word “official” in an attempt to look more legitimate than it is. 

15. Zamzbuy[.]com

The Zamzbuy[.]com scam tricks customers through spam emails and phony social media ads, leading them to make purchases on the deceptive site. After paying, victims often receive nothing, substandard items, or damaged goods instead of what was promised. When customers seek help or refunds, they are typically met with silence or blocked accounts.

  • Part of a scam network: Research suggests that Zamzbuy[.]com is part of a larger interconnected scam network, known for managing various fake shopping sites to defraud customers.
  • Copied legal pages: The Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, About Us, and other legal pages on the website are copied from other fake sites and are full of grammar and spelling mistakes. 
  • Negative reviews: While there aren’t many reviews of Zamzbuy[.]com online yet, likely due to its young domain age, there are a few complaints on third-party sites where customers complain about placing an order and never receiving their item. 
  • Unrealistic discounts: The website offers extreme discounts to entice shoppers. For example, they offer seemingly good-quality shirts for 2 USD which is too low for what the item would be worth.  
  • Copied content: All product information and images are stolen from other major retailers. For example, their product images have directly been lifted from AliExpress and Shein. 
  • No social media presence: Genuine brands engage with customers on social media. Zamzbuy[.]com’s complete absence from social media platforms is highly suspicious.

Other suspected scam shopping sites 

Scam sites pop up swiftly—especially close to shopping holidays—and disappear just as quickly, making it a challenge to compile a definitive list. At the time of publishing, these 10 sites were also identified as likely scams:

1. Zorasoul[.]co

Like most of the sites above, Zorasoul[.]co is a deceitful online store that poses as a legitimate retailer offering heavily discounted products. However, it’s a scam operation that tricks customers into making purchases and divulging personal information. The scammers promote the site through spam emails and social media platforms, using low prices and stolen product images to lure in unsuspecting shoppers. Zorasoul[.]co unlawfully collects customers’ sensitive data during checkout, putting them at risk of identity theft or fraud. The website also exhibits multiple red flags, such as copied legal pages, no contact information, and young domain age. 

2. Yssemk[.]com

Yssemk[.]com is a deceitful online store scamming customers since at least 2022. It offers a range of products at suspiciously low prices, including women’s fashion and electronics. Reports abound of customers receiving fake or subpar goods. The lack of legitimate contact information, numerous grammatical errors, and limited payment options, excluding major methods like credit cards or PayPal, are significant red flags. This makes refunds challenging if one falls victim to the scam.

3. VolcomLifeStyle[.]com

VolcomLifeStyle[.]com is a scam website selling fake Volcom products. It lures in victims with deceptive promotions, such as unbelievably low prices and buy-one-get-one-free deals. However, once customers place their orders and pay their money, they never receive their products. The website also blocks customers who complain, making it difficult to get a refund. The site also lacks legitimate contact information and has copied legal pages. Negative reviews confirm its fraudulent nature.

4. Trendcraftleather[.]com

Trendcraftleather[.]com claims to sell various leather products, such as jackets, bags, and wallets, at very low prices. However, customers who order products from the site often receive counterfeit or inferior goods or nothing at all. In some cases, customers have reported that their orders have been shipped to the wrong address. If you try to contact Trendcraftleather.com about a problem with your order, you’re likely to be ignored. The company does not have a working customer service phone number or email address.

5. TheGeneralSwas[.]top

Formerly used to run a Ponzi scheme that claimed to offer a variety of services, including stock trading, cryptocurrency trading, and forex trading, the scam website now uses the URL to “sell” trendy caps. However, the site is poorly designed and contains a number of red flags that suggest it is a scam. For example, the website’s terms of service and privacy policy are both plagiarized from other websites. Additionally, the website’s customer support team is non-existent, as is its social media presence.

6. Vivianhan[.]com

Vivianhan[.]com operates as a scam by offering children’s toys and Festive Season trinkets at suspiciously low prices, aiming to lure in customers, gather their payment and personal details, and then fail to fulfill orders. Several warning bells confirm its fraudulent nature: firstly, it provides no genuine contact information, with a fake address and phone number listed on its contact page. Additionally, the product images are stolen from other sources, and the legal pages are copied from elsewhere. Negative customer reviews further emphasize the scam, with numerous complaints of undelivered orders circulating online.

7. Sideoutfit[.]com

Sideoutfit[.]com is a deceptive online store that falsely offers products at remarkably low prices, but in reality, it’s a scam operation. This fraudulent site advertises branded clothing and accessories at unrealistically low costs, enticing customers to place orders. After obtaining payment and personal information, Sideoutfit[.]com either sends counterfeit or substandard goods or simply nothing at all. Complaints from customers are often ignored and promised refunds never materialize.


Rayem[.]shop deceives pet owners with unrealistically low prices on products like cat and dog beds, and toys. It takes payments but fails to fulfill orders, even blocking customer complaints. The absence of valid contact details, stolen images, and copied legal pages confirm its fraudulent nature. This underhanded approach allows the scam to persist while evading accountability.

9. Randlion[.]com

Randlion[.]com operates a classic bait-and-switch scam, claiming to offer low-priced t-shirts with crude messages but failing to deliver the goods. The website exhibits several signs of typical online shopping scams: it lacks legitimate contact information, employs stolen product images, and copies legal pages from other sources. Additionally, the prices offered are unrealistically low, a clear indicator of deceit. Positive customer reviews on the site are likely fabricated, further confirming it’s a fraud.

10. Pouliga[.]com

Pouliga[.]com is a scam website that sells counterfeit and inferior car accessories. Using spam emails and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to promote the site and lure in victims, Pouliga[.]com entices customers with unrealistic deals, then either sends them nothing at all. The website has no legitimate contact information, stolen product images, and copied legal pages. Additionally, it has a number of negative reviews from customers who have been scammed.

How to avoid being scammed when shopping online

Scammers are constantly coming up with creative ways to swindle victims out of their hard-earned cash, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself. Here are a few ways to avoid scam websites when shopping online: 

  • Shop with trusted retailers: Stick to well-known and established online stores that have a good reputation. Avoid shopping on websites that you’ve never heard of before or that look unprofessional.
  • Look for the HTTPS lock: When you’re on a website that’s secure, you’ll see a padlock icon in the address bar and the URL will start with “https://” instead of “http://”. This means that your information is encrypted and protected from hackers.
  • Beware of phishing emails: Scammers often send phishing emails that look like they’re from legitimate retailers. These emails may contain links to fake websites or ask you to enter your personal information. Never click on links in emails or enter your personal information unless you’re sure you’re on the real website of the retailer.
  • Be careful about social media ads: Scammers often use social media ads to promote fake products or websites. Be wary of any ads that offer products or prices that seem too good to be true.
  • Read customer reviews: Before you buy anything, read customer reviews to see what other people have said about the product and the retailer. If you see a lot of negative reviews, it’s best to avoid the product or retailer.
  • Be careful about what information you share: Only share your personal information with retailers that you trust. Avoid giving out your Social Security number or credit card information unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Do your research: If you’re buying something from a new or unfamiliar retailer, take some time to research them online. Read reviews from other customers and see if the retailer has a good reputation.
  • Be suspicious of deals that seem too good to be true: If you see a product that’s priced significantly lower than it is on other websites, it’s probably a scam.
  • Don’t wire money to sellers: Wiring money is like sending cash, and it’s very difficult to get your money back if you’re scammed.
  • Use a secure internet connection: Avoid shopping online when you’re using public Wi-Fi, as these networks are less secure.

Learn more about how to identify fake shopping websites.

Encrypt your traffic with a VPN

One of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft when shopping online is to use a VPN—this is especially true during shopping holidays like Black Friday and Cyber Monday when scammers are out in full force. A VPN encrypts your traffic and hides your IP address, making it difficult for scammers to track your activity and know your location. Lots of high-quality VPN providers like ExpressVPN offer a Black Friday VPN deal to help you stay safe all year round. 

(Note that a VPN won’t protect you from entering your information into a scam site or downloading malware.)

What to do if you buy something from a scam shopping site

If you think you’ve bought something from a scam shopping site, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to try to get your money back and protect yourself from further harm.

  • Step 1: Contact your bank or credit card company immediately. Tell them that you think you’ve been scammed and that you’d like to dispute the charge. They may be able to help you get your money back.
  • Step 2: You might want to cancel the credit card you used. If the site’s goal was to collect your credit card details, it would have set up the form in an unsecured way where it could see everything you’ve entered.
  • Step 3: Report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC collects information about scams and uses it to investigate and prosecute scammers. You can report a scam online at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.
  • Step 4: If you used the same password for your online banking or credit card accounts as you did for the scam shopping site, change your passwords immediately. This will help to protect your accounts from being hacked.
  • Step 5: Monitor your credit report for any unauthorized activity. You can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus once a year at AnnualCreditReport.com. Review your credit report carefully for any accounts that you didn’t open or transactions that you didn’t make. If you see anything suspicious, contact the credit bureau immediately.

Additionally, if you made the payment for the fraudulent transaction using a gift card, reach out to the issuing company to inquire about a possible refund. If you sent money via wire transfer to the scammer, contact your bank to explore options for retrieving the funds. 

If you provided the scammer with sensitive personal information like your Social Security or credit card number, get in touch with the Social Security Administration or the credit bureaus promptly to implement a fraud alert or credit freeze on your accounts. This will help safeguard your credit record and future financial interests.

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How to reset your Steam password https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/how-to-reset-steam-password/ https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/how-to-reset-steam-password/#comments Fri, 29 Jul 2022 13:44:53 +0000 https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/?p=31985 Password field with Steam logo.

If you’re serious about gaming, losing access to your Steam account would be a disaster. Here's how you can reset your password.

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Password field with Steam logo.

If you’re serious about gaming or game development, losing access to your Steam account would be a disaster.

Fear not: Resetting your Steam password is easy and painless. Here’s how to do it:

How to reset your password on Steam

1. Visit the Steam login page and click “Forgot your password?”

Steam sign in screen.

2. Click “I forgot my Steam Account name or password”.

Steam support screen.

3. Enter the email address you used to sign up for Steam, complete the captcha, and click “Search”.

Steam forgot account or password screen.

4. Click the first option to receive an account verification code, then check your email. (If you no longer have access to the email address, click the second option and follow the instructions.)

Steam send account verification screen.

5. Click the “RESUME RECOVERY” button in your email.

Steam recovery email screen.

6. Click “Reset my password”.

Steam sign in help screen.

7. Choose a new, strong password (pro tip: use our random password generator), enter it twice, then click “Change Password”.

Steam password reset screen.

Congratulations! You’ve just reset your password on Steam.

Need help remembering your new Steam password so you won’t have to do this again tomorrow? Try using a password manager. A good password manager will store all your passwords securely so you can log into apps and services like Steam with just one click.

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Helping to keep the internet open in challenging times https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/staying-connected-in-challenging-times/ https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/staying-connected-in-challenging-times/#comments Fri, 04 Mar 2022 08:58:49 +0000 https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/?p=20719 ExpressVPN logo.

We welcome journalists and organizers currently in an oppressive situation who need secure access to the internet to get in touch.

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ExpressVPN logo.

Wars, conflicts, and turmoil increase censorship and restrictions on internet access. Right now, the obvious urgency is providing unrestricted, yet protected, internet access to citizens in Ukraine, Russia, and other war-affected areas.

As always, we welcome organizers and journalists, including citizen journalists and individuals supporting the situation on the ground, currently in an oppressive situation who need secure, uncensored internet access, to get in touch. Tell us how a VPN will help you in your mission to help others or support freedom of information via safe@expressvpn.com so we can help with VPN access.

Growing demand for secure, uncensored internet access

As a VPN provider that gives its users secure, uncensored access to the internet, we are only all too aware of the growing demands to provide such protection—and the need has never been more urgent. 

In recent weeks, we’ve watched the Russian government accelerate its attempts to control the flow of information among its people and its neighbors by suppressing news reports and blocking social media. This is antithetical to our mission to ensure everyone has access to the free and open internet. 

Over the last decade, we’ve seen in our close work with journalists and activists how critical it is to have access to tools for staying connected and protected. And recent events have made it clearer than ever before that citizen journalism via social media plays a critical role during times of conflict. 

Free access to social media and the broader internet is crucial for citizens to connect, organize, and overcome oppression—and we exist to be part of the solution.

Read more: Safety resources: Stay secure amid oppression

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